The Sibyl Mountain locates in the Sibillini Mountains and it gives the name to this mountain range that is a part of the well-known Apennines. The Sibyl Mountain is not the highest summit of the range, but it surely is one of the most attractive and spectacular ones.

The summit exceeds the 2,100 meters and there are many paths to reach the top. One of this, which actually is not so comfortable, starts from the Infernaccio gorge that is at the basis of the mountain. It is the longest one and we suggest you not to walk this one. Anyway, we have been said that this path is very gorgeous in the autumnal season, as it goes through some nice woods.

We walked the easier path which came out to be not so easy and comfortable. This path begins from the Sibyl refuge that is located at 1,500 meters. Indeed, we thought to have a break in the refuge after coming back from the summit, but we discovered that the refuge was close, due to the restoration process. So, always bring with you some sandwiches, unless you want to do the entire path fasting.

From behind the refuge you have two paths: one goes right, the other goes left. No problem at all! They are the same path that forms a ring around the mountain, so you cannot be wrong. The left one is easier but a bit longer. The right one is very steep, but once you reach the ridge of the mountain, the path is easier and you will be able to enjoy the incredible landscape on your right and on your left side. However, the hardest part is the descent from the summit. You’ll have to walk on the ridge and you’ll have ravines by both sides, but this is what makes this mountain so special.

We rose from the right part and descended from the left side. The path is quite long, but with little experience and resistance you’ll be able to reach the top and to come back safely. What really pays off the effort of making so many kilometres walking is the landscape you’ll see once you will have reached the summit. By the left side of the ridge you’ll be able to see the highest summits of the Sibillini range and the Pilato Lake too. By your right side you’ll be able to enjoy the Infernaccio gorge with its beautiful woods. Unfortunately, while coming back to our cars, we have been surrounded by a cloud that couldn’t allow us to enjoy the landscape. It seemed like we were walking in the middle of nowhere. It was a real film horror scenario!

As to now, we end our recap of the day and we leave you the gallery that better describes the feelings and the landscapes we could enjoy. However, the adventures regarding this mountain are not over: many are the legends that regard the Sibyl Mountain… But we’ll tell you more about that in the next week article. So stay tuned!

See you soon with new tales from the Marche region!

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